Monday, June 20, 2016

The end

Hello everyone! Unfortunately, that is our last post here. We want to thank all our users for their support during this campaign. We have run a successful campaign for our college project. Once again thank you guys for your feedback, all likes and tweets, it helped us a lot in the past weeks.

Aleks, Asim and Nayha members of Digital Presence of Airlines team

Wait a second, we prepare a special movie, in which we are going to show you, how you come to our blog, thanks to our campaign.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Emirates Content Marketing Idea (MADE UP)

Note: This campaign is being created for Emirates Airlines for a class assignment. Emirates Airline does not have such contest.
Emirates, Canada


The idea is to organize a contest, where customer/non-customers have to create an original video about Emirates Airline and why people should choose Emirates over other airlines. The video must be submitted on at least 3 of Emirates social media (which will be created for the contest) and tagging Emirates Airlines in it. The video with most views and likes will be declared as the winner and the winner gets one free airfare with Emirates to the location of their choice. 


Audience allowed to enter the contest much be over 18.


The goal is to engage more social media traffic as well as increase brand awareness. We are looking to increase our social media traffic by 10% within a year of the launch. This campaign will encourage everyone to share their videos with friends, family to get more views and likes which will give me more chances of winning a free airfare. 


This contest will take place 2 times in a year, once before the summer break since most of the people are planning on travelling during the summer break. 2nd event will take place in September and the winners will be announced before Christmas break.

Social Strategy:

Contest will be promoted on all the social media websites, even in airports and on planes before the flight takes off and before it lands. Contest also will be promoted on the events hosted/sponsored by Emirates Airline. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

New marketing campaign for LOT

Written by Aleksander Stempowski

Note: This campaign is being created for Emirates Airlines for a class assignment. Emirates Airline does not have such contest.


In previous posts, you can read that Qatar Airways has much more supporters on all social media platforms, but LOT has a higher/bigger number of active users. In this post I am going to describe you, what LOT can/will do to catch up with QA without losing active users. Of course the best way to gain new supporters in internet world is to be active nonstop without any breaks.


To begin with LOT need to post content on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube regularly, 2 posts for FB per day, 1 for TW per day, and 2/3 video per week. Increase amount of content required to create new series, because if we stay with what we have, we will immediately exhaust these topics. Also it will be boring for supporters, when they will see the same stuff nonstop. So I am going to create special competitions (1 per week should be enough) in which active users knowing well our company will have a chance to win a special prizes, like special discounts up to 40%, and small gifts like mascot, or some office stuff with our signs. Other series could be a special survey in which we will ask passengers which city would they like to visit with our plane. Of course this place cannot be in our current offer. This sequence can run 2 times per week and answers with the most common number of votes will be sent to main directors, whom decide where to open new flights.

 Goal and execution

By adding these type of content, my goal is to enhance youth people (18-35) to visit our social media accounts, and to keep them active through participating in our games. We are planning to start with this action with beginning of June. That is the best time, because people are looking for nice place for vacation, or for weekend visit. We are planning to run with these series as long as they will be successful.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Emirates Airline vs American Airlines Fan Pages

There are many fan pages created by fans. Some of them are listed below.


It’s a page created by a fan where all the news about Emirates posted such as, new parking spots, new airplanes, and news about celebrity and so on. This page has Facebook activity of 1,053, and Moz rank of 9.50 (DmR).
Emirates24|7, Unofficial page

A blog written by Brett M. Christensen who writes about Emirates (good/bad articles) and it works as an influencers to Emirates customers in a bad or a good way. Moz has giving this site a spam score of 4/17, 11 roots domains and total links of 353.
Some of the inbound links included are:
‘Emirates Air’ Free Flight Tickets Scam Again Hitting Facebook

Facebook Survey Scams | Bufale internet - bufale facebook -

Hoazslayer, Unofficial

Saturday, June 11, 2016

LOT vs. QA on other influencers and inbound link

For my analysis of informal social media websites, I have chosen the same pages for both airlines. My selection embraces influencers and inbound links.

LOT Polish Airlines:

(2016, includes a post regarding ticket prices and quality of service. All of the comments are either positive or very positive. The message is that LOT is relatively cheap carrier offering good services.

On the the entries are polarised. On the one hand LOT is recommended for its low prices and good planes, on the other hand it is criticized for poor quality of services.

On the customer rating from 176 reviews is 6/10. The highest satisfaction gives to clients’ seat comfort. The lowest grade is for inflight entertainment. 

Qatar Airways:

On the visa issue for Asian countries is discussed, the users are positive with flying Qatar Airlines with Canadian passport.

On the the users’ opinions are mostly very good. The title of the first comment adequately summarized all opinions: “Comes close to being best”.

On the customer rating from 762 reviews is 8/10. The passengers appreciate the high quality of service.


My own investigation on above mentioned websites proves that Qatar Airways has much more opinions than LOT. QA is perceived as a high quality company for big money, where as Polish Airlines offers reasonable value for reasonable money. The deference between both carriers is shown for example by the access on board to Wi-Fi. You can get it free with QA (you have already paid a lot for the ticket), meanwhile you do not have it with LOT unless you pay additionally for it.

Written by Aleksander Stempowski

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Emirates Airline vs American Airlines on YouTube

Emirates vs American Airlines


Emirates, YouTube

Emirates Airline posts around 5-6 videos every week, and the channel itself has over 55m views. Most of the videos revolves around promotions, celebrity and events sponsored by Emirates. In the description area Emirates puts keywords, names of celebrity involved in the video and a brief description of what the video is about. Emirates YouTube link includes links to their other social media website such as, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and more.

The most successful video of Emirates Airline is the Dodgers/baseball game (video below) where OrelHershiser gives his first pitch to one of Emirates crew members. The video received over 300k views, 1k+ likes in just 2 days and it was successful because it was new and no one has ever seen such demonstration before in a baseball game. 

American Airlines:

American Airlines, YouTube

American Airline posts around 2 videos in one week, and the channel itself has over 9m views. Most of the videos revolves around promotions, and events sponsored by American Airlines. In the description area American Airlines adds keywords, names of celebrity brief description of what the video is about. American Airlines link includes links to their other social media website such as, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.

The most successful video of American Airlines is the Small Word :30 video (video below) which is a 30 sec video made by American Airlines about how it feels and how the world looks from 30,000 feet when you fly in American Airlines. This video received over 150k videos, 50+ likes in 1 month and it has been the most successful video ever made by American Airlines. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Analysis of LOT Polish Airlines and Qatar Airways accounts on YouTube

Written by Aleksander Stempowski

LOT Polish Airlines on YouTube

LOT does its posts one video per 5 weeks on average. Their films are generally about commercial, and industry related events. LOT does not follow 50/50 rule; in their case this looks like 83/17 rule (Examples below). In description they give us summary of the film and sometimes we can find there link to their home page.

(2015,   (2016,

The most successful video has 21 369 views and 181 likes and 20 comments, it was a commercial spot about new TV series about LOT on Discovery Channel cold “Operation LOT”. They have 4 954 subscribers, 2 322 847 views and 168 uploaded videos.

Qatar Airways on YouTube

QA publish 2 videos per week. They touch on diversified topics staying close to 50/50 rule. Their videos are about commercials, news and event. (Examples below) In every film description QA types short summary of film and provide to viewers link to their homepage and all their official social media accounts.


Looking at their video list we can see that all of their films have similar statistics, and there are two videos which have much more views, likes and comments. First one has 14 807 views, 14 comments, 130 likes, and 14 comments, and it shows Pilot’s view of Sydney, Australia, where second video has 12 812 views, 159 likes and 20 comments and it give us a chance to watch a first touchdown in Adelaide in QA history. The Qatar Airways channel is subscribed by 35K people and it has 29 083 147 views and 210 uploaded videos.

Comparison of both ones

As we see QA has again much more subscribers than LOT, but again Polish Airlines has higher activity of viewers, the average shows that their 1,05 users view, 0,01 users like and 0,009 users comment their videos, when in QA 0,156 fans view, 0,002 fans like, and 0,00017 fans comment their video. Another interesting fact is that on YouTube account of QA we see new videos two times per week when LOT is posting their films just one per month.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Infographic about Travelling

Emirates Airline vs American Airlines on Twitter

Emirates vs American Airlines

by Asim Mustafa


Emirates Airline again very successful on Twitter. Emirates post almost every day and sometimes twice a day and following the 50/50 rules quite often. Emirates mostly posts videos and images of their promotions and events which they participate in such as, Ellen DeGeneres show, Emirates FA Cup and baseball games  (Los Angeles Dodgers). Emirates twitter page has around 719k followers, 274 likes, and 1,636 tweets.

Below are the two of the most successful tweets by Emirates.

These two tweets has gotten over 100 likes, 50 retweets. In my opinion these two has been successful because of the audience involvement and the first picture got attention when OrelHershiser gave his first pitch to one of the Emirates Cabin crew.

American Airlines:

American Airlines being a step ahead of Emirates on twitter with 1.31m followers, 78.3k followers, 1.32 tweets and 4,209 likes. American Airlines also tweets daily and sometimes twice a day, using mostly the same content they use on their Facebook page. American Airlines promotes mostly with pictures and videos. Promoting their AAdvantage and MilesForMilestones.

 Below is a picture of American Airlines two most successful tweets.

These two tweets has gotten around 100 likes with 50 retweets. In my opinion these two tweets has been successful because they are appealing to costumers and audience involvement.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Comparison between LOT Polish Airlines and Qatar Airways profiles on Twitter

Written by Aleksander Stempowski

LOT Polish Airlines on Twitter

LOT does its posts one time per week on average. Their tweets are concentrated mainly on promotional sphere, staying far away from 50/50 rule (88/12 on average). Most of their entries have a promotional nature (examples below).
Keyword hashtags: #visit: …  

The most successful tweet has 4 likes and was about special valentine day discount. It looks like that it is interesting to people to know about new discount. The LOT profile is followed by 479 people. The average post is liked 1,4 times, retweeted 0,24 times.

Qatar Airways on Twitter

Qatar Airways tweets news on daily bases. They are posting notes focused generally on their own company. QA do not follow the 50/50 rule (9/91 on average). Almost all of their posts were settle on promotional content (example below).
Keywords hashtags: #…together

The most successful posts, first has 611 likes and 181 retweets was about inaugural flight to Australia to Adelaide, second has 383 likes and 219 retweets and it was condolences to the family of those on board Egypt Airlines MS804. It shows that people unite together when there are happy and bad moments for airlines business. The Qatar Airways account is followed by 957K people. The average post is liked 270 times, retweeted 86 times.

Analysis of both ones

At first glance without any detail analysis one can see a huge difference in number of followers in favor of QA. Qatar Airways’ followers are liking 193 times more and retweeting 358 times more than LOT. However, airline from Poland has higher activity of followers, the average shows that their 0,0029 users like and 0,0005 users share their tweets, when in QA 0,00028 fans like, and 0,00009 fans share their tweets. Another important fact is that twitter account of airline from Qatar is working on daily bases, when LOT is posting their stuff rarely couple tweets per month.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Emirates Airline vs American Airlines on Facebook

EmiratesAirline vs American Airlines 

by Asim Mustafa


Emirates is one of the airlines which fly around the world. After analyzing the Facebook account for Emirates, we have found out that Emirates is one of the most successful brands on Facebook, posting around 3 times a day with 6m likes, over 18m shared external links, with over 88m Facebook activity and with over 100,000 shared posts from Emirates Facebook page. Emirates also participate in a lot of activities around the world such as, Ellen DeGeneres show, Emirates FA Cup and baseball games  (Los Angeles Dodgers) and so on. Emirates most of the time posts about their new planes, new destination and new features in their planes but Emirates also uses the 50/50 rule very well. For every two posts that emirates posts about their company, they post 1 post about a fun fact or something that would keep their audience guessing their next destination.
Emirates mostly uses images and videos to up-sell their brand as shown in the images below.

Above is a picture of Emirates using the 50/50 rule by allowing the audience to participate.

The two pictures shown above are the most successful posts by Emirates. In my opinion they were the two most successful posts because they were unique, and was appealing to the audience of Emirates. In one of the pictures, emirates uses the wildlife as a source to promote their Airbus A380s planes and it seemed to work, they have received over 20k likes, 2k shares and over 300 comments on a single post within 8 hours. I believe it was a good idea for Emirates to ask their audience to get involved and share the post with others and it has certainly worked for them.

American Airlines:

American Airline not as successful as Emirates on Facebook. American Airlines has around 2m likes, 1.4 rating out of 5 which is based on 96,000+ reviews by customers/followers. American Airlines posts once every day and not following the 50/50 rules regularly. American Airline mostly uses pictures and videos to promote themselves on Facebook, they are mostly based on promotions about AAdvantage and MilesForMilestones.

Above are the most successful posts by American Airlines, they both have received over 5k likes and 50 shares. I believe they were the most successful because of the advantages that are offered to the consumers and it shows what the audience is following their social media for.

The page itself has a score over 2m Facebook activities and over 100,000 shares external activities. Also the average likes on a post for American Airlines is around 500, and 20+ shares. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Campaign Idea for WestJet.

*Fan Made Campaign for WestJet*

by Nayha Hamid

Campaign Idea:
The idea is to have WestJet do a Bingo game of all the summer vacation destinations they are offering. They will release a bingo card to all the customers who sign up to play with daily tweets on clues as to what the answer could be. Once someone has won the game they will offer them and another guest with them a free trip to one of the vacation destinations.

Everyone can enter this contest but will only receive one bingo card unless they choose to make several email accounts to enter the contest with. 

The goal of this campaign would be to encourage consumers to engage in social media with WestJet. As well as build brand awareness because hey who doesn't love a free trip? The goal would be to increase social media traffic by 15%. As well as increase their follower count on Twitter and Facebook, as well as increase their subscriber count. This contest would also encourage them to reach out to their family and friends and encourage them to enter as well. 

This contest will take place every year for the next 3 years in the beginning of November. This way it would be an early Christmas or New Years gift as well. 

Social Strategy:
This contest will be mainly held through Twitter but will be announced on all our social media pages to encourage the maximum participation rate. 

WestJet vs Singapore Airlines on YouTube

WestJet vs Singapore Airlines on YouTube
By: Nayha Hamid

WestJet Youtube page:

There are over 300 videos on this youtube channel with 57,840 subscribers to date. Most of their videos are regarding promotions they are having as well as clips of a couple of the several destinations they offer. This allows their consumers to engage with them and feel like they're really there. A strong segment they had on their videos was the 'WestJet Christmas Miracle'. They were allowing people to share their story on how WestJet made it possible for them to have a great christmas.
WestJet doesn't post videos every week but they post a couple every month. 

Singapore Airlines Youtube page:

There are over 230 videos on their Youtube channel with 22,196 subscribers. Most of their videos are about promotions they are having as well as how its like to fly with them. This allows their consumers to get an idea of what their experience would hold after spending all that money. Something i really like they did with their Youtube page is that they put links to their other social media accounts right on the top. This is something WestJet didn't do which could be problematic to them in the future. 
Singapore Airlines posts videos more frequently than WestJet does. 

WestJet vs Singapore Airlines on Twitter.

WestJet vs Singapore on Twitter

By: Nayha Hamid.

My last blog talked about WestJet and Singapore Airlines on Facebook but this time lets take a look at Twitter. 

Starting with WestJet. Follow them on Twitter here:

WestJet has been on Twitter since July 2008. To date they have 143K tweets. And a following count of 14.1K while they fool 611K. These number are very big and it shows us they've been tweeting frequently since they first made their Twitter accounts. 
Their pinned tweet is.. 
This is showing us they are currently having a huge sale on their ticket prices. Although this tweet is great news for most people who are trying to get a summer getaway to a tropical island, their tweet only got 8 Retweets and 10 Likes. And everyone on Twitter knows fame is measured by how many retweets and likes you get on your tweet and for WestJet to get this many is bad publicity for their company. 

Now lets take a look at Singapore Airlines. Follow them on Twitter here:

Singapore Airlines has been on Twitter since February 2011. They have 27.2K tweets to date with 441K followers which seems to be a reasonable number in comparison to their very low following of 18. 
Something interesting Singapore Airlines put in their Bio that WestJet did not is they have their very own hashtags in there. This allows them to get more attention on Twitter and even have their own hashtag trending. They don't have a pinned tweet and judging by their tweets they don't post very often. This could be problematic to them since Twitter is a great way to interact with their followers. 

WestJet vs Singapore Airlines on Facebook

WestJet vs Singapore Airlines

By Nayha Hamid

WestJet and Singapore Airlines are both amazing brands with a strong social media presence.
Lets take a look at WestJet first.

WestJet is a Canadian airline company which was founded on February 29th, 1996. WestJet allows you to book flights and vacation packages with ease. Their prices are relatively cheaper compared to other flight companies.
Here is a quick screenshot of their Facebook home page.
As you can see by looking at the right side of the page its showing us WestJet has been posting about their achievements since the early 1996 even though Facebook was not created till 2004. WestJet likes to take a moment and look at everything they've done in their past.
Another interesting section is the left side of the page. 

Here is a quick look at their massive following. This image also shows us that they care about what the customers have to say and they are quick to respond to the messages. For more information check out their Facebook page here:

WestJet always has promotional packages and cheap deals going on. If you subscribe to their emails or check out their blogs regularly, you'll see the variety of deals being offered. Here is a link to their blog:

Lets take a look at Singapore Airlines now. 

Singapore Airlines is a Singaporean airline which was founded on May 1, 1947. Singapore Airlines has been around for quire some time now and has had their fair share of success in the airline industry. Singapore Airline allows you to search flights and manage your bookings

Here is a screenshot of their Facebook page: 

A quick look at the left side of the Facebook page tells us they have a massive following; definitely more than WestJet. They have a very large number of people who like their posts as well as a huge number showing us they visit the page frequently. 
Singapore Airlines spends a lot of time marketing their airline which is why they are quite popular online. They don't have a blogging channel which is something they should improve on. 

Analysis of LOT Polish Airlines and Qatar Airways profiles on Facebook

LOT Polish Airlines on Facebook

LOT does its posts four times per week on average. They touch on diversified topics staying close to 50/50 rule. Most of their entries have a promotional and how-to nature (examples below).
Promotion – keyword: battle of cities/places I How-to – keyword: how to say/pronounce in polish
(2016,                                        (2016,

The most successful post, 134 likes was a note about MCC training on the highest-tech simulator in Poland during the final stages of pilots’ recreation process. It looks like that it is interesting to people to know about high tech pilots’ simulator. The LOT profile is liked by 166k people. The average post is liked 54 times, shared and commented 4 times.

 Qatar Airways on Facebook

Qatar Airways posts news three times per week on average. Their notes are just about their own company, so they do not follow the 50/50 rule. All of their publications have a promotional nature (example below).
Keywords used: flights to… on the board …


The most successful post, 31 000 likes was a message about first QAs’ plane who flew to Australia to Adelaide. It seems that people are interesting in flying to the Kangaroo and Koala continent. The Qatar Airways profile is liked by a big number of 11,5M people. The average post is liked 8446 times, shared 456 times and commented 194 times.

 Comparison between both ones

At first glance without any detail analysis one can see a huge difference in traffic between the above described two profiles. In the last 25 posts QA recorded 156 times more hit like button than LOT, 124 times shares and 52 times comments. It is interesting that Qatar Airways has millions of funs, even though they talk only about themselves and consequently do not follow the 50/50 rule. The most successful posts regarded different topics. QA raised a big interest of its funs describing a new connection to Australia, while LOT’s story about pilots training was the most popular on their Facebook account.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

SEO Audit Of LOT Polish Airlines and Qatar Airways

LOT Polish Airlines versus Qatar Airways

Writter: Aleksander Stempowski

SEO is an important consideration for marketers because people does not spend a lot of time on research, most people just look at first page in Google browser, so it is important to make our best to locate our page on top of the website. In the flights industry, LOT Polish Airlines and Qatar Airways. Using keyword sentences throughout their sites like “flights to Qatar/Poland” In the quest of the Best Airlines we see that it is hard to compare companies which have different target market, and objectives. The objective is to determine which of the two sites when compared has a stronger SEO.

SEO Considerations

SEO Considerations

1. URL:
2. Page Title
LOT Polish Airlines Canada | Book on the official website |
 Qatar Airways | Book Flights from Canada
3. Meta Description
Finding convenient international flights and cheap flights to Poland has never been that easy. Book your tickets now, check-in online and enjoy your travel with LOT Polish Airlines!
Travel from Canada to more than 150 destinations worldwide with Qatar Airways, a world-class airline - Book your flight online for exclusive fares.
4. Meta Keywords and   Monthly search volume:
flights to Poland, international flights, cheap flights to Poland, polish airlines

5. Structural elements: H1, H2, H3
Spring deals • Experience our brand new A350 • Subscribe to Qatar Airways' newsletter • Book • Offers • Where we fly • Booking information • Corporate solutions • Baggage • Qatar Airways experience • Airports • Travel information • Special services • MEMBER BENEFITS • EARN QMILES & QPOINTS • REDEEM QMILES & QCREDITS • OFFERS & NEWS • OUR PARTNERS • Contact us • Baggage assistance • Privilege Club • Travel alerts • Holidays • Great value fares • Quick Links • News • Our destinations • Visa and passport requirements • Newsletter
6. Strong tags
 Spring deals • Experience our brand new A350
7. Alt Text

 cookies • Payment methods • Facebook • Pinterest • YouTube • lot a star alliance member
Select Language • del • bkk • del • bkk • A touch screen with options
8. Page Load Time
8.19 sec
4.34 sec
9. Observations Regarding Page layout:
Search box is in the middle of website;
By being on main page I can immediately start booking a flight;
Search box is in the top right corner;

By being on main page I can immediately start booking a flight;
10.  Observations Regarding Visual Content:
There are pictures of monuments / cities which you can visit by using their service;

Small icons of social media accounts are at the bottom of the website;
There are pictures of monuments / cities which you can visit by using their service;
Small icons of social media accounts are at the bottom of the website;
11. Call-to-action
XXXI World Youth Day
Fly to Cracow or Warsaw 
Spring Deals Book now & save
12. Anchored Text:
lot polish airlines
lot logo blue
qatar airways
click here
13. Moz Established Links:  # to Root Domain
14. Moz Established Links:  #Total Links
15. Top 3 inbound links.
16. Mobile Friendly: Yes/No
17. Content is “shareable” (Like, Tweet, Pin, Blog, etc.)
18. Social Media: (List all SM icons on the home page
Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Tumblr
Google +, LinkedIn, Flickr, Instagram
19. SERP ranking results when using keywords from this table: (placing or page number)
2nd page 3rd position
1st page 3rd position

Google Trends

Google Trends Insights:
This graph shows us that Qatar Airways is a company with better offers for people living in Canada. It also confirms that there are more immigrants from Arabian region in Canada rather than from Central Europe. When people are trying to find flights, they are usually typing names of airlines rather than country of destination.  

 LSI Keywords 

LOT Polish Airlines:
  • See my reservation
  • Ticket LOT
  • Polish Airlines LOT 

American Airline:

  • Manage booking
  • Book a flight
  • Online check in

Most of the keywords from generator are on the website but just a couple of them are entirely equal.

 Summary & Conclusion

Both companies offer flights many flights to many different places. LOTs’ strengths are cheap prices and high comfort quality. When QAs’ offers to his customer safety trips and also high comfort quality.  The keywords   sentences “Safety, price, comfort” are found on the homepage where both companies describe their service.

By living in Canada we have limited options, because cities like Toronto are just one of many which are offered, so to go to other cities just using these airlines, you will have to transfer flight. In overall LOT website is working slower, but it has much more established links. I am of the view that LOT has better SEO, because planes are still the most safety type of transport between places, there is a fact that you have more chance to die during the way on airport in car, rather than flying on plane.


Google. (May 2016). Google trends. [LOT Polish Airlines, Qatar Airways, Flights to Poland, Flights to Qatar]. Retrieved from
LSIGraph. (May 2016). LSIGraph keyword generator [Long Lash Mascara]. Retrieved from
SEOmoz Inc. (May 2016). MozBar. Retrieved from
LOT Polish Airlines (1997). LOT Polish Airlines Canada. Retrieved from
Qatar Airways (1997) Qatar Airways Retrieved from