Sunday, June 5, 2016

Comparison between LOT Polish Airlines and Qatar Airways profiles on Twitter

Written by Aleksander Stempowski

LOT Polish Airlines on Twitter

LOT does its posts one time per week on average. Their tweets are concentrated mainly on promotional sphere, staying far away from 50/50 rule (88/12 on average). Most of their entries have a promotional nature (examples below).
Keyword hashtags: #visit: …  

The most successful tweet has 4 likes and was about special valentine day discount. It looks like that it is interesting to people to know about new discount. The LOT profile is followed by 479 people. The average post is liked 1,4 times, retweeted 0,24 times.

Qatar Airways on Twitter

Qatar Airways tweets news on daily bases. They are posting notes focused generally on their own company. QA do not follow the 50/50 rule (9/91 on average). Almost all of their posts were settle on promotional content (example below).
Keywords hashtags: #…together

The most successful posts, first has 611 likes and 181 retweets was about inaugural flight to Australia to Adelaide, second has 383 likes and 219 retweets and it was condolences to the family of those on board Egypt Airlines MS804. It shows that people unite together when there are happy and bad moments for airlines business. The Qatar Airways account is followed by 957K people. The average post is liked 270 times, retweeted 86 times.

Analysis of both ones

At first glance without any detail analysis one can see a huge difference in number of followers in favor of QA. Qatar Airways’ followers are liking 193 times more and retweeting 358 times more than LOT. However, airline from Poland has higher activity of followers, the average shows that their 0,0029 users like and 0,0005 users share their tweets, when in QA 0,00028 fans like, and 0,00009 fans share their tweets. Another important fact is that twitter account of airline from Qatar is working on daily bases, when LOT is posting their stuff rarely couple tweets per month.

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